Kolkata based renewable energy company Websol energy systems ltd manufactures solar PV cells and modules. Company has stopped the entire production line in 2022 for the technology upgradation to Topcon and MonoPERC.

On 14th February, 2024, Websol energy systems ltd informed the exchange about the commencement of cell line production. Company is set to announce its first quarterly results on 29th May, 2024 after the commencement of commercial production of newly installed cell line.

Websol energy systems ltd fueling the confidence for the future

  1. Websol energy systems ltd has announced the preferential allotment of up to 12,10,000 fully convertible warrants to the promoter group at the price of Rs 530.
  2. Company has planned for seven-fold expansion as compared to its earlier capacity
  3. Websol energy systems ltd has announced the 50:50 JV (Joint Venture) with the AMP energy India ltd

Apart from this, company will benefit from the PM Suryaghar Yojana which is aiming for the installation of rooftop solar on one crore households in India. 

Important fundamental numbers you need to know about Websol energy systems ltd

52 Week High/Low749 / 82.2
Stock PE81.0
Debt to Equity ratio0.66
Promoter holding/ Pledge percentage27.7% 79.4%
Source: Screener

Shares of Websol energy systems ltd were trading at the price of Rs 614 (on 27th May, 2024 11:40 am) on NSE. 

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